Ali Bey Hotels & Resorts Policies
Quality, Environment And Food Safety Policy
We aim to leave a habitable world for our future generations with our environmentally friendly approach while we serve our guests with an understanding of quality service.
- During the execution of our activities, we determine the negative effects on the environment and control the possible hazards and wastes in order to protect and sustain the environment we live in.
- We increase the trust and satisfaction of our guests by offering appropriate, quality products and services.
- We inspect our quality according to national and international standards, also quality improvement proposals and research development activities are important to us.
- We provide quality and safe products for our guests. With our continuous improvement work, we offer our guests the best service.
- We prioritise the use of local products and services in the context of sustainability in the provision of products and services.
- We believe in adopting a modern management and human resources approach and becoming institutionalized and a self-developing organization.
- We aim to increase the success, development, and commitment of our employees by creating a fair, work-friendly, healthy and safe working environment in accordance with the law and related regulations.
- During the execution of our activities, we determine the negative effects on the environment and control the possible hazards and wastes in order to protect and sustain the environment we live in.
- We work in compliance with the environmental laws, regulations, and legislation in force for the controlled use of natural resources, energy consumption, air, water and soil pollution.
- We organise activities for creating environmental awareness not only by our employees but also by our guests, we also create a positive effect in our natural surroundings and environment by cooperating with the local government.
- We undertake to comply with national and international regulations.
- We share information related to food safety throughout the food chain with our suppliers.
- We produce our products within the framework of food safety criteria and minimize risks and hazards.
- In accordance with the demands of our guests, we produce, store and transport our pruducts in healthy and hygienic conditions and offer safe products to our guests.
- By keeping the satisfaction of our guests at the highest level and by continuously improving our business for this purpose, we raise awareness of our staff and support them through trainings.
We at Ali Bey Hotels & Resorts are committed to establishing an ethical approach to all types of exploitation and child abuse, educating our staff on this issue, ensuring the safety and security of our children, complying with applicable laws, regulations, rules and legal provisions, inform the authorities in case of sexual abuse of children.
As Ali Bey Hotels & Resorts, we continuously improve occupational health and safety activities, comply with occupational health and safety laws and regulations, and raise awareness of our employees on occupational health and safety.
As ALİBEY HOTELS & RESORTS- We offer effective, realistic and applicable solutions to our guests' complaints in line with the principles of objectivity and sensitivity, during their stay and as soon as possible
- We keep satisfaction and loyalty of our guests at the highest level and continuously improve our business for this purpose.
- We undertake to comply with the legal obligations in force, to adopt all principles in resolving Guest complaints and to raise awareness of our personnel through trainings.
Ali Bey Hotels & Resorts' purchasing principle is to select suppliers that comply with legal regulations, offer green building materials, sustainable food and consumer goods, as well as low-energy tools and equipment; suppliers who attach great importance to human rights, health and safety of employees, environmental safety, demonstrate understanding of business ethics.
- At the stage of purchasing energy-intensive products, first of all, products with low energy consumption (electricity consumption, fuel consumption, etc.) are considered and, if possible, preference is given to them.
- When purchasing food and other consumer goods, preference is given to local suppliers. The purchased products in accordance with the requests of the departments are purchased in the largest possible packages.
- When purchasing services, an assessment is made at the first meeting with local companies. Steps are being taken to ensure that all service and supply organizations are aware of and comply with legal regulations, respect human rights, attach great importance to the health and safety of employees, and are sensitive to environmental health and safety issues.