Human resources
Policy of Human Rights and Human Resources
Policy of Human Rights and Human Resources
Ali Bey Hotels & Resorts
Policy of Human Rights and Human Resources
Ali Bey Hotels & Resorts recognizes the creation and maintenance of a fair working environment for its employees and protecting the human rights as one of its top priorities. It aims to enhance the development, commitment and free living conditions of the employees by establishing a fair, respectful to human rights, healthy and safe working environment that is compliant with all relevant laws and regulations.
The following application principles are committed to the fundamental principles of human rights and practices of human resources at Ali Bey Hotels & Resorts facilities.
Application Principles;
1. Ali Bey Hotels & Resorts pays attention to fulfill the requirements of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and the fundamental principles of the International Labor Organization ("ILO") such as labor rights, human rights and social justice and international declarations, principles and conventions, for which the Republic of Turkey is a party.
2. Ali Bey Hotels & Resorts respects and applies internationally recognized human rights such as non-discrimination, child labor, forced labor, collective bargaining and freedom of association set out in the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labor Organization and fundamental human rights within the scope of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
3. Ali Bey Hotels & Resort enables people with different beliefs, opinions and thoughts to work in harmony by creating a positive and harmonious working environment supporting the cooperation with employees and by preventing conflict environments.
4. Ali Bey Hotels & Resorts makes all decisions concerning its employees irrespective of race, religion, language, sect or any belief, gender, mental or physical disability, age, cultural or social class differences. It rejects any discrimination against or between its employees and respects their freedom for expression.
5. In order to protect the private data of the employees, Ali Bey Hotels & Resorts implements the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Law and sets rules to prevent the violation of the personal data of the employees by third parties.
6. Ali Bey Hotels & Resorts undertakes to provide its employees with a safe working environment free from all forms of ill-treatment, discrimination, abuse or violence. Employees may not be physically, sexually, and / or mentally incarcerated in the workplace or in any workplace, violation of their immunity in any way through emotional harassment is against the law and ethical rules, and this offense is never tolerated by Ali Bey Hotels & Resorts. Similarly, those who behaved and acted negatively to persons who complain and report on ill-treatment, discrimination or harassment or assist in the investigation are also not tolerated.
7. Ali Bey Hotels & Resorts respects the rights of all people in the areas in which it operates. It takes appropriate actions to identify, avoid, minimize and/or mitigate the negative impacts on human rights.
8. Ali Bey Hotels & Resorts does not employ child labor within the company and does not accept forced labor. It carries out its operations in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Turkey by considering issues in the International Labor Organization Conventions such as forced labor and child labor, etc.
9. Practices of Ali Bey Hotels & Resorts for employees comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding employment and working life. Employees also fulfill all legal requirements under their activities and act in accordance with legal regulations.
10. Human resources practices and policies of Ali Bey Hotels & Resorts ensure that basic human resources processes such as recruitment, promotion-transfer-remuneration, performance management, leave of employment, rewarding, social rights are shared with employees in an open and transparent manner and are fair.
11. By adopting a high performance culture, Ali Bey Hotels & Resorts supports the professional and personal development of employees through training and continuous feedback. It regularly organizes training activities in order to improve the competencies and to enhance personal development of the employees.
12. By making open and transparent communication channels available to all its employees, Ali Bey Hotels & Resorts receives their opinions and suggestions. It encourages creativity of the employees and them to contribute to the development of the company by evaluating the suggestion within the scope of the reward system and complaint procedure.
13. In its contractual commitments with all stakeholders, Ali Bey Hotels & Resorts encourages them to comply with the principles included in this policy statement.
14. By developing barrier-free tourism practices, Ali Bey Hotels & Resorts implements and supports the requirements to remove barriers to involve individuals with disabilities (staff) more into the life.
15. Regarding the behaviors that are found to be in violation of the rules of Human Rights and Human Resources policy, Ali Bey Hotels & Resorts imposes the necessary disciplinary punishment, which may reach the termination of the employment contract within the framework of the relevant provisions and procedures of the Personnel Regulations and the Labor Contract. It informs the judicial authorities in case of legal conditions.
16. The Policy of Human Rights and Human Resources is in the internal communication channels, training programs and personnel regulations of Ali Bey Hotels & Resorts. All employees are informed through the communication channel, the personnel regulation handbook is provided to them and they participate in training programs.
Hakan Öztürk
General Coordinator of Tourism
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Employees working at Ali Bey Hotels & Resorts, who aim to create unique experiences for families, are also connected to each other with heartfelt ties. As we grow our family, we choose people who are responsible, who embrace our vision and mission, who are experts in their field and who can see themselves as a part of this family. We offer our colleagues a work environment open to development and based on trust, where evaluations are fair and democratic.
If you want to be a part of this warm, family environment and share our accomplishments with your knowledge and skills, you can share your resume with us.
Policy of Human Rights and Human Resources