Награды И Сертификаты
We are proud to share with you the rewards and quality certificates we have received due to our understanding of quality service, customer satisfaction, and appreciation.
TUI Global Hotel Awards 2023
Глобальная награда TUI, основанная на превосходном качестве и услугах, предлагаемых клиентам, определяется отзывами гостей.
Спасибо всем нашим гостям.
Ali Bey Club Manavgat
Permanent Awards
Green Key
Green Key; is an international eco-label that aims to contribute to the prevention of climate change and sustainable tourism by rewarding initiatives that aim to protect the environment.
Tui Tierfreundliches Hotel
This is an award given to pet-friendly hotels by TUI, one of the largest tour operators in the world.
2021 Travelife Gold Award
Travelife is a certificate awarded to establishments that meet certain standards in environmental and management issues such as environmental procurement policies, recycling, energy and water management, corporate and social responsibility.
Ali Bey Resort Sorgun - Ali Bey Club Manavgat
2021 Otel Puan Awards - otelpuan.com
С момента своего основания сайт Otelpuan.com, на котором собраны отзывы почти 2 миллионов отдыхающих о 112 968 объектах, является важным ориентиром при выборе мест отдыха.
Основываясь на комментариях, оставленных гостями отелей в 2020 году, Ali Bey Resort Sorgun и Ali Bey Park Manavgat имеют честь снова быть включены в список 100 самых популярных отелей Турции
Ali Bey Park Manavgat - Ali Bey Resort Sorgun
2021 Traveller Review Awards - Booking.com
На основании отзывов наших гостей на сайте booking.com, проведенных в отелях Ali Bey Hotels & Resorts в 2020 году, Ali Bey Club Manavgat (8,6 / 10 баллов) и Ali Bey Resort Sorgun (9,6 / 10 баллов) получили Награду «2021 Traveler Review Awards"
Спасибо всем нашим гостям.
Ali Bey Club Manavgat - Ali Bey Resort Sorgun
TUI Global Hotel Awards 2020
Глобальная награда TUI, основанная на превосходном качестве и услугах, предлагаемых клиентам, определяется отзывами гостей.
Спасибо всем нашим гостям.
Ali Bey Resort Sorgun
Экологическая премия TUI 2020
отель Ali Bey Resort Sorgun - Ali Bey Club Manavgat в очередной раз был удостоен этой награды за выдающиеся результаты в конкурсе по защите окружающей среды, организованном среди отелей, которые занимают активную позицию в области охраны экологии.
Ali Bey Resort Sorgun - Ali Bey Club Manavgat
Luxair - Quality Awards
Ali Bey Resort Sorgun получил премию качества 2020 от туроператора Luxair. Он определяется в результате оценки сервиса и качества обслуживания в отеле после отпуска.
Спасибо всем нашим гостям.
Ali Bey Resort Sorgun
Travelers' Choice - бесспорный Лучший
Каждый год Tripadvisor собирает записанную информацию, делится отзывами и оценками от путешественников со всего мира; Он выявляет лучшее, используя собранные данные. Он объявляет победителей и присуждает награды Travelers 'Choice Undisputed Best всем отобранным компаниям.
Мы гордимся тем, что выиграли эту награду с нашими 3 объектами на 2020 год.
Ali Bey Resort Sorgun - Ali Bey Club Manavgat - Ali Bey Park Manavgat
Otel Puan
Наши объекты получили награду Hotel Point Award по мнению более ста тысяч нейтральных гостей, отправленных в Otelpuan в течение года.
Ali Bey Club Manavgat - Ali Bey Park Manavgat
Tui Holly
высшая оценка, которая дается 100 лучшим отелям мира за исключительный сервис, по результатам анкетирования клиентов. Престижная награда TUI Holly присуждается крупнейшим туроператором TUI.
Ali Bey Club Manavgat - Ali Bey Resort Sorgun
Horizon Interactive Awards 2019
Конкурс продвигает и награждает лучшие веб-сайты, видеоролики, онлайн-рекламу, печатные СМИ и мобильные приложения. Каждый год Horizon Interactive Awards получает тысячи заявок со всего мира, и группа добровольцев из числа профессионалов отрасли, представляющих разнообразные мультимедиа, графический дизайн, рекламу и маркетинг, просматривает заявки, чтобы определить, какую работу следует признать лучшей.
Экологическая премия TUI 2019
отель Ali Bey Resort Sorgun - Ali Bey Club Manavgat в очередной раз был удостоен этой награды за выдающиеся результаты в конкурсе по защите окружающей среды, организованном среди отелей, которые занимают активную позицию в области охраны экологии.
Tui Holly
Organised by TUI the largest tour operator in the world, the customer satisfaction based TUI Holly competition is an award that is given to the top 100 hotels in the world.
Tui Top Quality
An award given by TUI, one of the largest global tour operators, to the top 250 hotels in the world based on the customer satisfaction of the hotel guests.
Ben Swiss Club Ödülü
This is an award given to hotels that meet certain criteria such as; receiving 100% customers’ satisfaction out of hotels that appeal to Swiss and Western European guests, having at least 60% Western European customers, staff speaking German or French, the hotel complying with hygiene requirements and having ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and HACCP certificates.
Blue Flag
The Blue Flag is an international environmental award for beaches and marinas, given to places where the sea water and beaches are clean, the coast is protected, and also hotels where the employees are environmentally aware.
TUI Holly
Organised by TUI the largest tour operator in the world, the customer satisfaction based TUI Holly competition is an award that is given to the top 100 hotels in the world.
Travelife Gold Award
Travelife is a certificate awarded to establishments that meet certain standards in environmental and management issues such as environmental procurement policies, recycling, energy and water management, corporate and social responsibility. *Certificates awarded after 2014 are valid for 2 years.
*2014 yılından sonra alınan sertifikalar 2 yıl geçerlidir.
Tui Umwelt Champion
TUI, one of the largest travel agencies in the world, based on points received, annually awards the first 100 hotels around the world by observing their respect for the environment, staff privileges, communication with the local people and comments received guests.
TUI Top Quality
An award given by TUI, one of the largest global tour operators, to the top 250 hotels in the world based on the customer satisfaction of the hotel guests.
Booking.com (Award of Excellence )
An award of excellence given by the world's largest online hotel booking site Booking.com which is based on customer reviews.
The HolidayCheck Quality Selection awards are given in 6 different categories; Best Hotel in the Country, Best Beach Hotel, Best City Hotel, Best Spa Hotel and Best Couples Hotel, and are based on comments made and recommendation rates given to 980 thousand hotels all over the world.
Blue Flag
The Blue Flag is an international environmental award for beaches and marinas, given to places where the sea water and beaches are clean, the coast is protected, and also hotels where the employees are environmentally aware.
TUI Holly
Organised by TUI the largest tour operator in the world, the customer satisfaction based TUI Holly competition is an award that is given to the top 100 hotels in the world.
Tui Umwelt Champion
TUI, one of the largest travel agencies in the world, based on points received, annually awards the first 100 hotels around the world by observing their respect for the environment, staff privileges, communication with the local people and comments received guests.
Tui Umwelt Champion
An award given by TUI, one of the largest global tour operators, to the top 250 hotels in the world based on the customer satisfaction of the hotel guests.
TUI Top Quality
Dünyanın en büyük tur operatörlerinden TUI’nin otel misafirlerine yönelik olarak gerçekleştirdiği ve müşteri memnuniyetine dayanan dünya çapında en iyi 250 otele verilen ödüldür.
A "certificate of excellence" award given by the independent internet portal Tripadvisor, where the comments from the world's greatest travelers are shared, to places with a high level of customer satisfaction.
Otelpuan Award
This award is determined by audits carried out by independent organisations and holidaymakers’ reviews on the site of Otelpuan.com which is founded by Ets tur and has around 250.000 opinions for 2144 facilities.
Booking.com (Award of Excellence )
An award of excellence given by the world's largest online hotel booking site Booking.com which is based on customer reviews.
The HolidayCheck Quality Selection awards are given in 6 different categories; Best Hotel in the Country, Best Beach Hotel, Best City Hotel, Best Spa Hotel and Best Couples Hotel, and are based on comments made and recommendation rates given to 980 thousand hotels all over the world.
Russia's largest independent hotel review site Tophotels.ru awards the top 100 hotels in the world, determined by the number of travelers from Russia and CIS countries.
Blue Flag
The Blue Flag is an international environmental award for beaches and marinas, given to places where the sea water and beaches are clean, the coast is protected, and also hotels where the employees are environmentally aware.
Zoover Recommended
This Award is given by Zoover, the most prestigious holiday review and rating website, with over 2 million users in Europe.
Kids HolidayTip
An award by Zoover and www.kidsvakantiegids.com for the best child-friendly hotels held in 2015.
Travelife Gold Award
Travelife is a certificate awarded to establishments that meet certain standards in environmental and management issues such as environmental procurement policies, recycling, energy and water management, corporate and social responsibility. *Certificates awarded after 2014 are valid for 2 years.
Tui Umwelt Champion
TUI, one of the largest travel agencies in the world, based on points received, annually awards the first 100 hotels around the world by observing their respect for the environment, staff privileges, communication with the local people and comments received guests.
A "certificate of excellence" award given by the independent internet portal Tripadvisor, where the comments from the world's greatest travelers are shared, to places with a high level of customer satisfaction.
Otelpuan Award
This award is determined by audits carried out by independent organisations and holidaymakers’ reviews on the site of Otelpuan.com which is founded by Ets tur and has around 250.000 opinions for 2144 facilities.
Booking.com (Award of Excellence )
An award of excellence given by the world's largest online hotel booking site Booking.com which is based on customer reviews.
The HolidayCheck Quality Selection awards are given in 6 different categories; Best Hotel in the Country, Best Beach Hotel, Best City Hotel, Best Spa Hotel and Best Couples Hotel, and are based on comments made and recommendation rates given to 980 thousand hotels all over the world.
Blue Flag
The Blue Flag is an international environmental award for beaches and marinas, given to places where the sea water and beaches are clean, the coast is protected, and also hotels where the employees are environmentally aware.
TUI Holly
Organised by TUI the largest tour operator in the world, the customer satisfaction based TUI Holly competition is an award that is given to the top 100 hotels in the world.
TUI Umwelt Champion
TUI, one of the largest travel agencies in the world, based on points received, annually awards the first 100 hotels around the world by observing their respect for the environment, staff privileges, communication with the local people and comments received guests.
The HolidayCheck Quality Selection awards are given in 6 different categories; Best Hotel in the Country, Best Beach Hotel, Best City Hotel, Best Spa Hotel and Best Couples Hotel, and are based on comments made and recommendation rates given to 980 thousand hotels all over the world.
Otelpuan Award
This award is determined by audits carried out by independent organisations and holidaymakers’ reviews on the site of Otelpuan.com which is founded by Ets tur and has around 250.000 opinions for 2144 facilities.
A "certificate of excellence" award given by the independent internet portal Tripadvisor, where the comments from the world's greatest travelers are shared, to places with a high level of customer satisfaction.
Otelpuan Ödülü
Ets tur tarafından kurulan, 2144 tesis için 250.000'e yakın görüşün yer aldığı Otelpuan.com sitesinde değerlendirme yapan tatilcilerin özgür görüşleri ile bağımsız kuruluşlara yaptırılan denetimlerin belirlediği ödüllerdir.
Booking.com (Award of Excellence )
An award of excellence given by the world's largest online hotel booking site Booking.com which is based on customer reviews.
Russia's largest independent hotel review site Tophotels.ru awards the top 100 hotels in the world, determined by the number of travelers from Russia and CIS countries.
Romantik Otel Ödülü (Top Hotels Honeymoon)
An important award organised by Russia's largest independent hotel review site Tophotels.ru which is given to Turkey's best Honeymoon Hotels.
Zoover Recommended
This Award is given by Zoover, the most prestigious holiday review and rating website, with over 2 million users in Europe.
Dünyanın en büyük gezginlerden gelen yorumların paylaşıldığı bağımsız internet portalı Tripadvisor tarafından, yüksek misafir memnuniyeti sonucu verilen “mükemmellik sertifikası” ödülüdür.
TUI Global Hotel Awards 2023